The Standings from the leagues determine placement for the Next Season. Top 6 from Advanced League will remain in the Advanced League. 1st Place from Open League will move up to the Advanced League. 2nd Place from Open League will play against the 7th Place team from Advanced League. 8th Place from Advanced League will move down to the Open League 3rd and 4th Place from Open League will remain in the Open League 5th to 8th Place from Open League will drop back into the Next Season's Qualifier.


At least 5 members of your team must be within Europe+Turkey and Russia Age: All players must be over the age of 16, Under 16s are allowed with parental permission. With a 13+ Minimum Game: MOSS is required for all games, Failure to supply the MOSS file up to 12BST/13CEST after your game will result in a default loss