How to join Detroit eSports League!
How to join Detroit eSports League!

You must join the Discord!

These Requirements are in #how-to-join in the Discord too!

- Must be at least Copper 3 before

- You must have siege (obviously)

In this Tourney you can join either on Console or PC.

- Must be in United States

Yes, This is a United States only League! I'm aware you could use a VPN to get good ping but for certain reasons I can't have people from other country's.


- You must have free time on Fridays

Yes, most games will be scheduled Fridays due to School and other stuff. We will have a half and half Day and Night time games.

In any time there is a Personal Emergency in Real Life or anything happens please let me know or staff know and we will reschedule the game unless there is a replacement.